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Double Chin Removal Treatment Geelong

Double Chin Removal Treatment Geelong

If you’re in Geelong and bothered by excess chin fat, you may be interested in an innovative treatment that can redefine your jawline and lessen the appearance of a “double chin.” This treatment uses a synthetic fat dissolving injection (TGA approved) to target and dissolve fat cell membranes in the submittal area. With a simple injection, it enables your body to naturally eliminate fat, culminating in a slimmer and more youthful-looking jawline.

When choosing injectable fat dissolvers in Geelong, always ensure you visit an Allergan-trained injector such as Dr. Morrow.

Fat dissolving injections are ideal for individuals who have extra fat in their chin area that persists despite other efforts. Often, this double chin is influenced by hormones, and it may even have a hereditary component, meaning that weight loss alone might not lead to its reduction. This can be particularly vexing since a double chin can add years to your appearance and make you seem less fit than you are.

If your double chin is a concern and you’re seeking a definitive solution, fat dissolving injections might be the treatment you’re looking for. Both women and men over the age of 18, who are in good health, are prime candidates for fat dissolving injections in Geelong.

Get Rid of the Double Chin in Geelong

Before and After Chin Fat Dissolver

*Individual results may vary

What to Expect

Typically, between 2 and 5 sessions are required, each session is 6-8 weeks apart from one another and the session will last about 20 minutes. 

The first step in addressing your double chin is to reach out to our team of medical professionals and schedule a consultation. At the consultation, you’ll be given realistic expectations of what at dissolving inections can do for you and then walked through the entire process. Our team can give you an estimate of how many sessions you will likely need and what the total cost will be.

Once it has been scheduled, we will give you some recommendations, such as limiting your alcohol intake for the time being and also discontinuing any OTC anti-inflammatory medications you are taking for at least one week leading up to your appointment. These advisories are not mandatory, but following them will lead to a smoother recovery process.


Fat dissolving injections are a completely non-invasive procedure so you will be able to return to your regular activities immediately following your treatment session. However, you should expect to experience mild levels of redness, bruising, and swelling for the few days following your session. You’ll be informed about any other potential side effects at the time of your consultation.

For these reasons, we suggest scheduling your treatment sessions right before a weekend or over the weekend so that you can go home and relax in privacy for the few days following the treatment session. If necessary, however, you can go straight back to work and back into your busy schedule that same day.

On the day that you arrive for your treatment session our clinical team will take a few different “before” photos. 

Getting Ready for Chin Fat Dissolving Injections in Geelong

In preparation for the treatment,  a topical analgesic will be provided in order to make the fat dissolving treatment as comfortable as possible for you. Following that, the team will place a transparent grid onto your chin. This transparent grid acts as a guide, showing the doctor where to place each injection. This ensures accuracy and increases the likelihood that you’ll experience smooth, natural, and balanced results.

The treatment itself will only take a few minutes and then you will be on your own to continue your day. You will be given some final pointers to help make recovery even more comfortable for you. For instance, if you have to experience any discomfort following the session, we suggest applying an ice pack for about 10 to 15 minutes and that should help alleviate that discomfort. An ice pack will also help to reduce swelling.

If you and your treatment provider have decided that you should undergo more than a single treatment, you’ll be able to schedule your next appointment while you’re at our office. It will be booked for a date that is 6-8 weeks after your initial treatment. Typically, patients are scheduled for two to six sessions in all so that they can achieve the most optimal results.

Following your final treatment session, you’ll be asked back into the office for “after” photos to be taken and your physician will then compare the before and after pictures so that you can see the difference that the treatments have made in your life. In some instances, you may wish to schedule an additional session depending on the severity of your double chin and the results you have achieved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can fat dissolving injections be used in other areas of the body like the stomach?

No. Currently this treatment is only approved for use in the chin area. To reduce fat in other areas of your body, we suggest Cool Sculpting, which is also non-surgical.

Who is not a good candidate?

If you are a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not seek treatment. Patients with severe heart, kidney or liver problems should also avoid this treatment.

What are alternatives to fat dissolving injections?

Liposuction, injectable radio frequency devices, and surgery.

Does it hurt?

Injections  can be associated with some discomfort. We will apply a local anesthetic or topical numbing agent to help reduce pain.

Will this treatmen help with my loose skin too?

Fat dissolving injections are  designed to target and destroy fat cell membranes. It does not have an effect on loose skin. To address loose skin, we suggest laser skin tightening.

Contact Us for a Free Belkyra Consult
Dr. Jarret Morrow MD
The Cottage Medical Centre

Geelong, Victoria
03 5241 6129

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